Hand netting shoulder bag

This is a shoulder bag made of cotton fabric made of rabba string and then hand netting. It is an attractive product with a unique mood from material and texture. It is a product that can increase usability and create high-quality styling by wearing a comfortable shoulder.

Shoulder bag
Hand netting
Unique mood of fabric and texture

*All bags have different decorative positions.
*Due to the nature of the handmade net bag, the gap between the bag tissues may not be constant and this is not a defect.
*The actual color and details are most similar to the detailed image.


$347.00 ( $347.00 discount)
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Size Guide
사이즈 ONE
가로 25
세로 27
스트랩 너비 0.5
스트랩 높이 44

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상호: 아모멘토 대표자(성명): 이미경, 이명수 사업자등록번호: 787-20-00288 통신판매업 신고: 2016-서울종로-0786 전화: 02-6929-1383 주소: 서울특별시 종로구 사직로8길 34, 717호 개인정보보호책임자: 이명수 (myeongsoo.lee@amomento.kr)